MY name is Luis and my favourite book is La tejedora de la muerte.It's about a girl named Andrea who is reared in a house with a rocking chair, rocking chair apparently assumed was cursed. One day a thunder scaring them off reading. She ran to the room of his parents and his mother was there and Rosa. But when she arrived at his mother's room the storm was over and looked through the window to the rocking chair was moving. She went to the swing and then suddenly stopped his mother appeared to stand between her daughter and her rocker. At that moment his mother said he saw a shadow. Andrea interested after what had been started to ask Rosa (the maid of the house) about the swing but it said nothing. Andrea's father took the rocking chair Andrea's room. In addition, his parents pulled Andrea of those people. After several years, Andrea's parents died but before they had a son (Daniel) who moved to the United States. Andrea and Daniel were married. Andrea decided to one day return to the home of the city in search of Rose, but it was not because he was dead. At home alone was the sister of Rosa. Andrea did you hear about the mysterious life of Heloise (his grandmother) of which was his swing. Heloise apparently had a very bad and did not want to work or study ...

esto es una caca de libro