Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My favourite Book : The sting of the Devil

Author :Ricardo Alcantara

For some , Gustavo did not appear for his school , was enclosed and ,maintained a hostile attitude.His mother actually took the square test and deep family crisis.
A marriage breaks down , a drug addict son... she may gather strenght to fight and prevent dissaster.
Ricardo Alcantara wrote the book is devoted to the drug issue , as he was about to end his career in psychology , he realized ,wanted to be a writter, radically change its course of life , will start in youth and children's book.
In each of her books trying to find special moment, a quest,feelings , reflect a small break with the appearence of reality, and offer an alternative that is hopeful to be imaginary. This book has been among the best I've read,mostly because at my age is attenuated as is the life of drugs and wath maybe his final terrifying.
My Best Book of all¡¡¡

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